Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Robo-Cop needs a hero too!

Hey everyone! Blaze back to tell you another new interesting experience in the firefighting world! Apparently the Navy thought Robo-Cop needed a friend. They have come up with a firefighting robot. This robot is called Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot or better known as SAFFiR. They originally came up with the idea back in 2012. They are expecting him to be able to move about the ship and fight fires like you and I would. What do you think, would you fight along with this robot? He is suppose to be able to handle the more dangerous situations that us firefighters are normally handling out on scene. Truthfully I do believe they need to work on it a little more before putting SAFFiR out on the front lines.
This is the blue print of what he is to look like and check him out on youtube!

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